Tuesday 5 March 2013

Impressions of Bangalore.

Going back to its history, Bangalore reveals several secrets of its existence in today’s world. Bangalore in the first glance appears  just like any other metro city with its fast moving life and its huge sky scrappers. But Bangalore under its superficial shell of urbanization, has a more traditional side to it, a side more connected to its roots. How just a small town built by Kempe Gowda, comes a long way from being called Bengaluru to Bangalore is an interesting story in itself, about his fate from being born into a chiefly family in a small town of Yelakanda or Yelahanka as its known today, to raising a whole new fortress town of his own, which today is a home to 8,425,970 people. 
Getting to know the history itself changes the way you look at the city,  How for instance the place you live in totally had a different identity in the past. The feeling of it having seen several generations, and how despite of you finding it your own, it contradicts with the fact of how you are just a phase that the city is seeing and sooner or later you will become the past too.
Bangalore today after being through years of transformation has come a long way shedding its conservative ideas and being called “The City of Boiled Beans” or “The Pensioner’s Paradise”  to becoming “The Silicon Valley” of India.
But no matter how much Bangalore changes, It still in some ways makes it a point to not to forget its roots, the traces of the past can been seen even decades later. For instance in the 1970s, silk was the major production in textiles by the Banajigas,  and even today in the 21st century silk stays on the top of the hierarchy in textile productions in Bangalore.  This duality of Bangalore is due to the people in it. On one side where the cosmopolitan crowd, the white collared. keep the city thriving for constant change and  success, the other side of them still clings on to the past.
Privatization changed the face of Bangalore, The once calm and a little laid back Bangalore, was now open for the world to hog on. With MNCs rushing in trying to make the most out of the brain and labor available, lifestyles started changing, and though people led a rather higher standard of living, and could afford the luxuries of life, Stress is something which started setting in, the long hours of work, and the pressure of being under constant surveillance lead to a breakdown every now and then, thus making people resort to all sorts of addictions and sometimes even drug abuse. Thus even though it had it perks, it eventually made you realize that every coin has two sides.
To conclude Bangalore what it is today is because of its people. Whether its  the young Kempe Gowda placing the initial bricks of this small fortress town, or the people today thriving hard individually to make the two ends meet in their families or as a whole helping the economy grow. Bangalore has come a long way today shedding the unnecessary and constantly changing keeping up with the world pace, Yet it still does not forget its past, 
In the becoming of Bangalore it does not forget Bengaluru.

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