Friday, 15 March 2013

Persuasive Essay – Female Journalists (Final)

Should women journalists be sent to cover conflict zones? What are the problems that they will face? How safe is it for female journalists to be in conflict zones around the world? Who is responsible if something goes wrong while they are in the conflict zones?

We as humans need to take responsibility for whatever is happening in the world. When an incident of sexual harassment takes place, as responsible human beings we should voice our opinion.
The question, ‘Whether female journalists should be sent to cover conflict zones’?
According to me, it is a decision to be made by the journalist herself. If a female journalist feels that she would be comfortable reporting in a conflict zone then she should have the freedom to go and if not, then they should have the liberty to decline the offer.

Though the journalist herself agrees to cover a conflict zone, if something does go wrong then necessary action should take place. I feel that the person herself is responsible as it was her decision to go, but the TV Channel should help her and bring justice.

If the journalist is comfortable covering a conflict zone, then she should have the freedom to go as long as she takes necessary precautions. A few precautions could be, wearing a ‘dupatta’ over your head when in eastern countries, training in self-defense and working in groups, which will be uninviting for locals and therefore safe. Alex Crawford, Orla Guerin, Lindsey Hilsum and Zeina Khodr are a few journalists who closely monitored the conflict in Libya and did a great job at it. All these women covered stories from Libya during the revolt and managed the situation well.

If the journalist is not comfortable then she should not be sent to cover such areas. It might affect the career of the journalist herself and also of the TV Channel as she might not get to go to other places to cover stories. Also, the TV Channel will lose out on interesting and important news from around the world. They need female journalists to be able to interact with women from eastern country and cover their stories. They also add a different perspective to the situation in conflict zones, as they are easily able to interact with other women who have suffered injustices about which they will be uncomfortable to speak to men. If the journalist is sent forcibly to cover stories in conflict zones, they will not be able to work well and therefore the TV Channel’s quality of work will be affected. Also, if there is a situation where the journalist is assaulted then the channel will be held responsible and they will have to help her.

Marie Colvin, another female journalist was shot dead in her apartment after reporting about the torture, mass execution and kidnapping by the military during the conflict in Chechnya. Such an incident could have occurred with a male journalist as well. Therefore, I feel that the liberty to decide whether one wants to cover a conflict zone or not should be with the journalists themselves, whether male or female.

Journalists rarely speak up about sexual harassment while reporting, as they fear being looked at as weaker than men and losing their job. The reason not much has been done about sexual violations in conflict zones is because there are hardly any cases that are known to people. Therefore there is a need of journalists like Lara Logan who have the courage to speak about the injustice faced by them. Lara Logan was reporting from Tahrir Square, Egypt when she was assaulted by a mob of over 200 men. Unlike most other female journalists who would keep that quiet, Lara decided to talk about it publicly in order to draw attention towards the injustice faced by many women journalists around the world. Unless we have journalists like Lara who will bring up the issue to the world, we will not have the knowledge of such incidents at all.

The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression said that all journalists around the world should be given special protection as they are doing a great service for the society. The responsibility is with the society and they should take responsibility. I too feel that the journalists are providing an important service to the society and therefore we all should be responsible for them. As part of our responsibility we could arrange for extra police protection or voice our opinions and fight for their rights.

A lot of people will argue that, if an assault takes place on a female journalist who had agreed to cover a story in the conflict zone then who will be held responsible and what happens to the journalist?
I feel that if a person decided to go after knowing the risks involved, then they should be responsible for themselves. We should also speak up for the injustice that she would have faced and bring justice to her.
A few people might also mention the TV Channel’s policy about reporters and how that might force female journalists to cover conflict zones.
I personally fell that the TV Channel needs to be responsible for any situation that the journalist might face if they are forced to go to a conflict zone. The TV Channel should be held completely responsible for whatever happens to them while they are on work in the field.

We have no right to say what the solution should be, as it is entirely up to the journalists themselves and their comfort with the situation. There cannot be a law about such an issue, since every situation might have a different solution depending on the journalist, the conflict zone and the TV Channel. In a democratic world like todays, each person has the right to decide what they want to do and we have to respect their rights.

By – Savyasachi

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