Thursday 14 March 2013

If we see it this way, should we have a conflict over the journalists sent to cover conflicts? Will we then send some journalist to cover that. The question being, will it be a man or women?
There have been many debates about women journalist being deprived of the opportunity to cover conflicts. it being a sensitive subject there has been a significant change as many women journalists have opened up and spoken the truth of what actually goes wrong.
Female journalists are not given equal share in their job position, with the higher posts being given to men. Why should gender decide ones career?  Why are they not judged on their work, but gender?  “Why many women journalists are deprived of top positions in organizations due to gender discrimination “said Nandini Sahai, director, Media Information and Communication Center of India (MICCI), in the February issue of The Times of India.
Every human being is capable of doing something which they know and are aware of. Hence, I strongly believe that women should be sent to capture war areas provided they are set to face the consequences. They should be given equal share in the job they are passionate about.
Lara Logan, a CBS correspondent brought the issue into sharp focus when she spoke about the harassment she faced when she was covering the news in Cairo. This gave boost to many other female journalists worldwide that started speaking out about the sexual harassment they all went through. Is it their fault if they are pretty? Is it their fault if they are passionate about their work and fiercely go to places to cover news?
It’s not only the female crowd but also male journalists who are victims to sexual abuse in places of higher violence. Although women comprise of the major part of the victims, male victims are also victimized.
Jenny Nordberg, a New York-based Swedish correspondent, was in Pakistan in October 2007 to cover the return of Benazir Bhutto, the exiled former prime minister who would be assassinated two months later. During a chaotic procession in Karachi that day, Nordberg became separated from her colleagues and surrounded by a crowd of men who sexually assaulted her. She said it was embarrassing for her to expose it to the public and feared that her job would be affected. Male journalists have also been targeted. Umar Cheema, a prominent political reporter for Pakistan’s largest English-language newspaper, The News, told CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists) that he was abducted, tortured, and sexually assaulted in an Islamabad suburb in September 2010.
There are many such cases which prove the point that it all never catered to one thing, sex. But it is all in the profession.
Hence, equal treatment should be given to all the journalists irrespective of their gender. Gender should never be the criteria to judge ones capabilities. It should be judged on the person’s willingness to work and their passion.
As long as they are ready to risk their lives and work in every possible condition, women should be sent to places to cover their news. No restrictions should be put to someone’s learning. Every individual should have the right to explore in their fields and explore the world – be it in a positive or a negative way. There is way out from every possible crisis; surely there is some way out here too.
                                                                NISHIT LALWANI.

1 comment:

  1. Areas of Improvement-

    Opening and the ending though nice, can be formed in a better way to grab attention.

    Better use of vocabulary can help the article become more impactful.

    Some places what the idea is tried to be conveyed is confusing, for instance in the 8th paragraph beginning with “ There are many…”
    Proper sentence formation can help there.

    Though it’s a good thing, the article contains a lot of real life incidences, having a lot of them can also put the readers off, Balancing them is necessary.


    I like the way the article progresses with proper transitions, with the subject of argument mentioned right in the first paragraph

    The article is strong in the sense that, both the arguments, for and against are mentioned.

    After establishing the argument and showing both the sides of the stories, the article conclusively ends with no biased opinions.
