Tuesday 5 March 2013

My Impressions on Bangalore.

Bangalore, I feel is a city so well described with words, that I didn’t feel the need to open my eyes because before I knew it, it had made a picture of itself in my mind. Adding to my understanding of why it is called “pensioners paradise”

While understanding from where the city came from, I started learning about where it is going. Bringing to my knowledge so as to how I aware yet, unaware I was of the city I live in. How I had always had great awe for the people who came up with the idea of setting IT industries in Bangalore, and making it the 4th best in the world, when Nehru had visioned the same when he set up public sector units like HAL, BHEL etc. in the city, which continue strong even today.
Not that I see present directors any differently now,I just started to see how they continued what was already laid for them, no doubt they did a very good job doing that.
 But the point remains that we are just continuing on a path that was already laid for us, as Sri Visveraya said “industrialization cannot be achieved in isolation” he brought with him the modern outlook, need to improving education thus establishing Indian Institute of Science, and its been about two centuries, Bangalore continues to be an educational hub and is one of the cities with  highest educated population in India .

That somewhere justifies me calling Bangalore the city of diverse origins, you may start your journey in the city by eating the boiled beans, or saving yourself from the dogs or it could be just sitting in impeccably designed office yet uncomfortable chairs for eight hours straight and talking to people of different nations. You realize how in its diversity the city evolves. How the city encounters itself to all that it contains, how all its aspects are taken together to reach another level by some, while for the others it’s just the dot of a line they wish to construct.

Now if I was to see this city as a book that’s been written , pages flip, generations come and go, each generation engraves its impressions be it through words or images. What is interesting Is that while these words follow they are being followed. The catch is some our in bold to be read instantaneously, some scribbled, some written in italics to give our eyes and perspective a tilt. But they come together, era after era to form what we know as Bangalore.  

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